our services

Did you Know...

Millions of working days are lost due to sickness absence each year.
This can have a significant impact on a business!

At times, it is difficult to cope with challenges encountered within the workforce, which consequently can affect your professional image and the profile of your company.

Are staff absences related to poor health?

If Yes, you can, as an employer, ensure that your workforce is provided with the effective strategies for health and wellbeing in your organisation, which can also influence healthier profits.

How can we help?

On-site courses with adapted strategies for health and wellbeing to suit your employees’ needs.

Strategies for health and wellbeing include:

  1. Building the network of support and collaboration
  2. Adoption of strategies and goals that are achievable and reduce health risks
  3. Personal development support to reach their goals and build resilience
  4. Ability to implement health strategies in all life areas.


  • Your business will have a healthier workforce
  • Improved staff confidence and personal performance
  • Staff who are resilient.

Find out more about the program

Why health and prevention?

Self-management development among people who became inactive due to their long-term conditions or disability, is increasingly gaining more significance. Programmes and strategies to enable them to regain more control over their lifestyle choices, as well as improving the quality of their lives are growing in importance.

Health Challenge - The Problem

Chronic conditions continue to have an increasing impact on the individuals’ life, as the population increases and ages, and a demand for support will grow.

For example:

Public Health England’s analysis of data in relation to heart age tests, indicates that many men aged 50 have a heart age of 60+, due to wear and tear. This increases their risk of heart attack or stroke. And another publication at the Centre for Mental Health says in its report on the business costs ten years on, that mental health problems in the UK workforce cost employers almost £35 billion last year.

The Solution

  • Development of proactive and integrated health and wellbeing provision is the answer to this growing dilemma.
  • Delivery of an outcomes-based service and the programme that develops self-management skills in relation to health and wellbeing.

We offer a wide range of training activities for people with mixed abilities, long-term conditions and disabilities, that encourage effective self-management and development of personalised strategies for the improved outcomes.

Specific-target Programme

Each 12-week course delivers:

  • Personalised support for management of agreed goals
  • Preventative methods information, and
  • Group tuition that enables participants to gain the skillsets relevant to their health improvement plans

The 3-hourly sessions are delivered once a week. They are informative and developmental, and have proven to be more cost-effective than the prescriptive method used within conventional health care.

Outcomes include:

  • Improved ability to self-manage health and wellbeing
  • Adoption of coping strategies in relation to chronic conditions
  • Proactive approach to managing long-term health and wellbeing
  • Better decision-making in relation to lifestyle choices
  • Improved work-life balance
  • Better confidence and personal performance
  • Enhanced motivation and work engagement
  • Better understanding of preventative goals, both personal and organisational.

Who would benefit from the course?

If you are …

  • Overweight with the Body Mass Index (BMI) over 25
  • Have a raised glucose or cholesterol level
  • Diagnosed with type 2 diabetes (or on the boarder)
  • Low levels of physical activity
  • Often stressed or depressed
  • Having a history of family illness
  • Completed medical treatment or physiotherapy and would like to improve further

You will be guided in making...

  • Adaptations in your daily routine
  • Better decisions for improving your health
  • Positive changes to your lifestyle

The benefits...

  • Reduced risk factors that lead to poor health
  • Better management of your daily routines
  • Resilience and confidence in coping with daily challenges

Prevention is better than cure...

Why health and prevention?

Self-management and self-care development among people over 60 years old, who became inactive due to their long-term conditions or disability, is increasingly gaining more significance. Programmes and strategies to enable them to regain more control over their lifestyles, as well as improving the quality of their lives are growing in importance.

Health Challenge...

  • The impact of multiple chronic conditions on individuals’ functional abilities that leads to dependence on health and social care
  • Accidents, injuries and fractures due to falls – demand for emergency calls and frequent hospitalisation
  • Isolation, withdrawal and lost control.

Chronic conditions continue to have an increasing impact on the seniors’ lives and demand for support will grow among the ageing population.

Many injuries experienced by older people are caused by falls, especially among individuals who are affected by arthritis, osteoporosis or other chronic conditions. Weaker leg muscles, more brittle leg and hip bones, poor motor skills – all contribute to an increased risk of falls. These falls and fractures often occur because of tripping or poor perception of objects, unsteady walking or imbalanced posture.

The Solution...

  • Development of proactive and integrated health and wellbeing provision can help reduce the pressure on health and social care
  • Delivery of an outcomes-based programme that develops optimum self-management skills and independence in relation to health and wellbeing.

We offer a wide range of training activities for people with mixed abilities, long-term conditions and disabilities, that encourage effective self-management and development of personalised strategies for the improved outcomes.

The Programme

Each 12-week course delivers:

  • Personalised support for management of agreed goals
  • Preventative methods information, and
  • Group tuition and interactive discussions that enable participants to gain the skillsets relevant to their health improvement plans.

The 3-hourly sessions are delivered once a week. They are informative and developmental, and have proven to be more cost-effective than the prescriptive method used within conventional health care.

Outcomes include:

  • Improved ability to self-manage health and wellbeing
  • Adoption of coping strategies in relation to chronic conditions
  • Proactive approach to managing long-term health and wellbeing
  • Better decision-making in relation to lifestyle choices
  • Better confidence and personal performance in daily life
  • Enhanced motivation and proactive engagement in own care
  • Better understanding of preventative goals to maintain independence.

What you can expect from the activity...

  • You will be provided with a level of support to develop health-related knowledge and the skills that are relevant to achieving your goals.
  • Support from the service can help you cope better with the symptoms and reduce your risk factors through taking a holistic and integrated approach that combines the physical, cognitive and social aspects of your wellbeing.

And what our clients say...

"I am nearly 90 years old and have been participating in the activity for 3 years. It helps me maintain blood pressure and body weight stable. I live independently and enjoy walking to the Centre on Mondays to Fridays. When I contracted lower back pain, the advice I received at the activity helped me to resume my daily routines and gradually the pain subsided. I am determined to remain proactive in my self-care plan."

Brenda, AgeUK East London

"I am 65 years old and had a stroke at the age of 20 years old, which caused right-sided weakness. I use rollator to mobilise outdoors as I have very little control in the right leg, which affects my walking stability. I have learnt to maintain my functional skills through the support at the activity and would like to continue being active for as long as possible, which also prevents depression and isolation."

Jonathan, AgeUK East London

The attributes of our support...

Why be like this...

  • Weak and short of energy
  • Stressed and depressed
  • Full of aches and pains
  • Short of breath
  • Overweight or obese
  • Out of control
  • At risk of developing health problems
  • Dependent on support...

When you can be like this...

  • Stronger and proactive in daily life
  • More resilient to stress and challenging situations
  • More positive and optimistic
  • Confident in making choices
  • Enjoying socialising
  • In control over own lifestyle choices
  • Happier and enjoying life!


The information in this website has been included for educational purposes, and is not intended to substitute professional medical care. If you have a health condition or are in the process of medical treatment, you are advised to consult your healthcare practitioner prior to commencement of this programme. We do not accept liability for misinterpretation or misunderstanding of the delivered information that might hinder the programme outcome.

By opening any of the following resources, you agree accepting the above disclaimer.